Efficient Care
The benefits of adopting a Betrace pharmaceutical storage system are multiple: increasing patient safety and drug management efficiency, while eradicating legacy paper-based processes.
Tailored Technology
Betrace is more than drug dispensing units. Bringing together the latest in tailored technology, Betrace Care offers solutions and services to fit with your environment and drug tracking and dispensing needs.
Speed and Security
Betrace’s unique patented Electronic Drug Detection system offers high security yet rapid access to single nominative medical products in different formats across our range of dispensing units.
A Betrace drug management and storage solution provides responses to many of the challenges faced in the modern medical environment.
Automated, paper-less Betrace solutions reduce the time lost to staff in tedious administrative tasks, freeing them up to get back to what they do best – caring for their patients.
Helping medical staff to manage the dispensing process in a more efficient yet simpler way helps to reduce the risk of medication errors, increasing patient safety.
With the soaring costs of specialized medications and pharmaceutical products, keeping them safe and making sure they get to the right person is vital.
Securing and optimizing drug management helps reduce product wastage and provides real-time visibility on stocks and dispensing patterns.
Don’t hesitate to give Betrace a call and see how much we can do for you!